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Mission and Discipleship Policy


The people of South-West Cumbria United Area are committed to proclaiming in word and action that we have a ‘God for All’ and to giving everyone we have contact with the opportunity to discover more of God and God’s purpose for their lives, by:

Offering spirit-filled worship, in different styles and places, which is the best we can offer God.

Learning & caring together, growing disciples of Jesus and being supportive communities within and outside our churches, loving and valuing each other, encouraging and equipping everyone to develop and use their gifts and experience.

Exploring prayer in community spaces and events, and reflecting on how best we might serve God, one another and all in our communities – always underpinned by regular prayer.

Working ecumenically wherever possible and appropriate, without unnecessary duplication. Sharing good practice and ideas across the denominations. 

Serving one another and all in our communities, offering a safe, accessible and hospitable space for all and seeking to transform people’s lives by challenging injustice and giving generously.

Treading gently on God’s earth, considering our use of resources as churches and individuals.

Speaking out boldly of our faith and telling the story – renewing confidence in recognizing and proclaiming God’s presence and action in the world and in our lives.

Our current priorities as an Area are:

Providing practical support for our churches to free their members to concentrate on being fruitful congregations, including the introduction of new organisational structures where appropriate and possible and encouraging a creative approach to the challenge of our buildings.

Continuing to develop a centre for young people based at Broughton Methodist Church, in partnership with local groups.

Reviewing the role of the Re:new charity shop and exploring how we can widen its influence and outreach.

Establishing an on-going learning programme that will enable participants to grow in their faith and discipleship, give them confidence in sharing their faith and inspire and encourage fruitfulness in their churches – running the ‘Talking Jesus’ course or an equivalent.

Encouraging all our churches to work towards becoming Eco-churches.

Asking each church to look at ‘renewed beginnings’ and the pastoral cycle in their own context, with a focus on celebrating what we do well as churches and setting realistic goals.

Vision Statement 2022/23

The people of South West Cumbria United Area are committed to proclaiming in word and action that we have a ‘God for All’ through these four areas –

Follow Daily

  • offering spirit-filled worship, in different styles and places, which is the best we can offer God
  • growing disciples of Jesus and being supportive communities
  • exploring prayer in community places and events
  • sharing together as communities of faith across the denominations
  • praying daily

Care Deeply

  • reflecting on how best we may serve God, one another, and all in our communities
  • transforming through our service, our giving and by challenging injustice

Tread Gently

  • treasuring God’s creation through considering our use of resources

Speak boldly

  • renewing confidence in telling the story of our faith in God’s presence and action in our lives and in the world
  • sharing this story through our service, worship, and lives.