Park Drive
LA13 9BD
We’ll go in the strength of the Lord
Trinity Church is a joint United Reformed Church and Methodist church, working in, for, and with the local community
We worship in Abbey Rd Baptist building, which is on the corner of Abbey Road and Park Drive. Postcode: LA13 9BD; What 3 Words, /// The entrance is in Park Drive.
Our morning service is at 9.30am each Sunday. We have occasional evening services. You can find information about these on our Face book page. The link’s below. We celebrate communion on the third Sunday of the month during the morning service. We enjoy coffee/tea together each week after our morning service. We usually use the Good News Bible and Singing the Faith in our services.
During the year, we have extra services to celebrate festivals, such as Easter, Harvest, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas. We hold a special service a few weeks before Christmas known as the Loved Ones’ service. In it we remember those people we have loved and lost, lighting candles for them and remembering them with faith, love and hope.
If you would like to know more about Trinity, become a church member, arrange a marriage, baptism, thanksgiving or funeral service, please contact our minister, Rev Dr Helen Hooley, on 830844.
If you would like to book a room for a party or other event, please call 07885 690771.
On the third Saturday of each month, between 10 and 11.30am, we hold a Coffee and Chat time which is open to all. We are involved in the organisation of the monthly ecumenical Dementia Friendly Tea Service held at Holy Family RC Church, Ostley Bank, at 2.00pm on the second Monday of each month. We have other events during the year which are advertised on our outdoor notice board and our Facebook page (see below). We send out a fortnightly newsletter called ‘Trending@TC’ (Trinity Church). If you’d like to join our mailing list, please email
We actively support re:new charity shop, Furness Homeless Support Group, Family Action Barrow and many other charities, both local and national. At Easter, Harvest and Christmas we usually collect for local charities, finding out what they need and supplying that need. During the year we raise money for charities, either by collections or special events. Among the charities we support are the Bible Society, Christian Aid, Junior Mission for All, Macmillan Cancer Support, Breast Care NOW, Barrow Foodbank, Smalls for All and Methodist Homes for the Aged. We also regularly give to appeals from the Disasters Emergency Committee. We are committed to caring for God’s earth and the environment and have joined A Rocha’s UK eco church programme. We have recently received our eco church Bronze Award and are beginning our Silver Award journey.
More detailed information about our services and other events can be found on our Facebook page:
Recent Events
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